lunes, 6 de julio de 2009

Ingles.Nivel: SB 3º-Prof.:Brangeri

JULIO 2009

NOTA: El presente trabajo práctico se entregará al comenzar las clases después de las vacaciones, es decir el Martes 4 de Agosto. Si tiene dudas para realizarlo mi dirección de e-mail es:, también hay una copia en Staac. Recordar que los chicos que tienen que rendir el trabajo práctico anterior lo van a realizar el primer martes después del receso, 4 de agosto, los que tienen que rendir recuperatorio del exámen anterior lo van a poder hacer el viernes 7 de agosto.

a. Complete the sentences using “too much/too many”
1. I cannot come out this evening. I've got ______ work to do.
2. It's very crowded. There are ______ people.
3. You look drunk. You've had ______ beer.
4. I don't want to buy it. There are ______ problems with it.
5. I hate driving in London. There is ______ traffic.
6. There were ___________ questions to answer; so I only did three.
7. There's____________smoke in here, I can't breathe.
8. There are ____________people in the cinema.
9. Don't eat ____________sugar.
10. I have ___________homework to do for tomorrow.
11. The kid eat ____________sweets and felt sick afterwards.
12. This café has ____________ tables and not enough chairs.
13. I don’t like this landscape much, there are _____________ mountains.
14. Try not to make _______________noise.
15. I don’t like it here. There are__________________ tourists.
16. Wow! I’m sorry but it costs ___________________money.
17. Do we have enough time? There are ____________________ places to visit.
18. Come on! There really isn’t _______________________ time.
19. I think there’s ______________________ rain in Britain.
20. I have _____________ friends.

b. Rewrite the sentences using “Too” or “enough”
1. The weather was too cold for me to swim.
2. My jeans are too old to wear them at the party.
3. He drives too fast
4. She wasn’t beautiful enough to be on TV.
5. The tickets weren’t cheap enough for us to buy.
6. The show was too boring.
7. the stunt wasn’t easy enough for him to perform.
8. The weather wasn’t hot enough to go to the river.
9. Mary isn’t old enough to watch an 18.
10. Put on the heater. It isn’t hot enough.
11. This jacket is too big.
12. The coffee is too hot to drink.
13. I'm not buying that. It's too expensive.
14. I'm afraid your work is not good enough. Please do it again.
15. The room wasn't warm enough so the worker turned the air-conditioner on.
16. The tourist bought the jacket because it was too cheap for him.
17. My brother isn’t old enough to drive the car by himself.
18. The test was too difficult for the students to do.
19. The suitcase was too heavy for the kid to pick up.
20. The coffee was too hot to drink; so I left it for a minute to cool.

c. Choose the correct word
1. There are ______________ exercises in this lesson. (too many- enough)
2. We must be quick. We have _____________time. ( a little- a few)
3. I don't think Jill would be a good teacher. She's got ____________patience ( a little- a few).
4. This is a very boring place to live. There are_____________things to do (a few- a little)
5. He has ______________money left. ( a little- a few)
6. He has ___________________dollars left. ( a little- a few)
7. She loved my writing, she said my novel was_________________ (good enough-too good- too)
8. The door isn’t _________________ for the piano, the will have to open it up. (too wide- wide enough)
9. This suitcase isn’t ______________ to fit all my clothes in it. (big enough- too big- too)
10. This taxi’s not _______________ to fit us all in. ( too big- big enough)
11. That football player didn’t play _______________ to get into the first team this week. ( well enough- too well)
12. there is only ________________ sugar left. ( a few- a little).
13. I’d only like _____________ milk on my tea, please. ( a few- a little).
14. He speaks ___________________ for us to understand him unless we ask him to say it again. ( quickly enough- too quickly)
15. The photograph didn't come out because it was_______________________. ( too dark- dark enough)
16. Everything was much ______________ for us to get anything. (too expensive- cheap enough)
17. She isn't _________________ to start driving until next year. (too old- old enough)
18. I don't think the exam is _________________for me to have a good chance of passing. (easy enough- too difficult)
19. He isn't _____________________ to go back to work yet. (well enough- too well)
20. This town isn't __________________ for both of us. (big enough- too big)

d. Complete with a possessive pronoun
Mary is a friend of _____. I’ve known her for a long time.
My sister and I are very different. I’ve got dark hair and ________ is fair.
-This book isn't mine. Is it ________? - No, it isn't _________. It's______.
This is Maria’s unbrella. It’s _____________.
We didn't bring any drinks to the party. Can we drink _____________?
Jim brought his coat. But he is hot and doesn't need it. You can use _________.
I did not bring any sweater. This sweater is not _____________ It's ____________________.
This tennis court is not _______________________ because we did not reserve it.
This is my robot. It is ___________________.
This is our turtle. It is ___________________.

e. Continuación de “ This is the story of Geraldine”- Choose the best option.

As I/my/mine watched, She/her/hers started to undo she/her/hers coat and then took it off. I/my/mine waited until she/her/hers had removed it and hung it up with some grubby workmen's coats on coat hooks in the corner. I/my/Mine decided it/its would be a good idea to wait until she/her/hers wasn't looking, then I/my/mine could rush in and grab the coat. I/my/mine glanced away for a few minutes to blow I/my/mine nose and when I/my/mine looked back, the coat had gone. Racing into the cafe, I/my/mine looked around it/its and noticed an old tramp limping out of another door with I/my/mine coat gracing he/his rounded shoulders. I/my/mine desperately shouted, "Stop! Thief!" Mary looked up in surprise. "Quick Mary, " I/my/mine yelled, "That tramp has walked off with you/your/yours coat!"
"No, He/his hasn't," she replied. "you/your/yours looked so cold, poor thing, I/my/mine told you you/your/yours could have I/my/mine."
"What! You/your/yours gave I/my/mine coat away!"
"Of course not! Although we/our/ours coats are similar, that was a green coat; I/ My/ mine is brown, so that one was definitely not I/my/mine! Can't I/my/Mine get special glasses or tablets for you/your/yours colour-blindness?"

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